BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) Girona Üniversitesinden Tarih Güncellenmesi Hakkında Duyurusu
Biyoloji ve Çevre Bilimleri Anabilim Dalları tarafından katılımı sağlanacak Girona University Blended Intensive Programme'in online ve fiziksel katılım tarihlerinin güncellendiğine dair bilgilendirme maili aşağıdadır:
We are writing to you regarding the ERASMUS BIP: Mitigating Climate Change through Maritime and Coastal Spatial Planning.
The strict requirements of the ERASMUS BIP call necessitate, before starting any activity:
1) having the BIP Learning Agreement for each student, and
2) confirming that all students will come to the University of Girona through an official Erasmus call, which means that the Learning Agreement must be signed by the responsible person for internationalization at the sending university.
Given that the proposed start date (for the online part) is next Monday, 17/06, and we still do not have this information for all the students who have shown interest in attending, we have decided to slightly change the BIP dates.
Therefore, we are asking if you think it can still fit your students' schedules.
The new proposal is to conduct the online classes from Monday 01/07 to Friday 05/07/2024
and hold the in-person week in Girona from Monday 08/07 to Friday 12/07/2024 (one week later than initially proposed).
We would need your response as soon as possible, preferably today.
On our side:
1) We have already rescheduled all sessions and have the approval of the associated faculty.
2) The UdG Housing Service is fully available to accommodate students from Sunday 07/07 to Sunday 14/07/24 for a total amount of 300€.
Similarly, the course's execution is conditional on having all the students' BIP Learning Agreements duly completed and signed (by your university's Internationalization officers), and submit by next Wednesday, 19/06/2024 at the latest.
Additionally, I remind you that with Staff Mobility for Teaching or for Training, teachers who wish to attend the BIP can apply for these places at your university to fund your mobility.
It is VERY IMPORTANT and NECESSARY that you send the following link to interested students so that they can formally register on our platform:
<div id="m_5357497578262904489LPTitle176588" style="font-size: 21px; margin-right: 8px; font-family: wf_segoe-ui_light, " segoe="" ui="" light",="" "segoe="" wp="" ui",="" wp",="" tahoma,="" arial,="" sans-serif;="" margin-bottom:="" 12px;"=""> Inscripción_ Summer School Girona2024 |
We hope the new dates fit the students' schedules.
Best regards,
Carolina Martí & Daniel Depellegrin
PhD. Carolina Martí Llambrich
Coastal Researcher | GIS specialist
ORCID: 0000-0003-4189-5878
Landscape Analysis & Management Group | Department of Geography
Pl. Ferrater Mora, 1 Campus Barri Vell 17003 Girona
Tel. +34 616 609 744 carolina.marti@udg.du